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中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03) : 141 -145. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6899.2024.03.003


李维坤1, 邵欣欣2, 胡海涛2, 卢一鸣2, 王鹏2, 杜永星2, 徐泉2, 田艳涛2,()   
  1. 1. 100730 北京,国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院胰胃外科;554399 贵州,铜仁市人民医院胃肠外科
    2. 100730 北京,国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院胰胃外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-05 出版日期:2024-06-30
  • 通信作者: 田艳涛

Analysis of laparoscopic resection strategy for gastric stromal tumor

Weikun Li1, Xinxin Shao2, Haitao Hu2, Yiming Lu2, Peng Wang2, Yongxing Du2, Quan Xu2, Yantao Tian2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Pancreatic stomach surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China; Department of gastrointestinal surgery of Tongren people′s hospital, Guizhou 554399, China
    2. Department of Pancreatic stomach surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China
  • Received:2024-06-05 Published:2024-06-30
  • Corresponding author: Yantao Tian

李维坤, 邵欣欣, 胡海涛, 卢一鸣, 王鹏, 杜永星, 徐泉, 田艳涛. 腹腔镜胃间质瘤手术切除策略分析[J]. 中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 17(03): 141-145.

Weikun Li, Xinxin Shao, Haitao Hu, Yiming Lu, Peng Wang, Yongxing Du, Quan Xu, Yantao Tian. Analysis of laparoscopic resection strategy for gastric stromal tumor[J]. Chinese Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 17(03): 141-145.

胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors,GIST)是消化系统最常见的间叶性肿瘤。目前,GIST的治疗主要以手术切除为主,其后根据病理危险度分级不同辅助伊马替尼等靶向药物治疗。近年来,随着腹腔镜技术的不断发展和成熟,腹腔镜胃间质瘤切除术逐渐成为一种高效、微创的治疗方法,尤其是胃大弯侧间质瘤。腹腔镜胃间质瘤切除术虽然得到广泛应用,但是否适用于胃特殊部位的GIST和巨大的GIST仍存在争议。本文将结合笔者团队对腹腔镜胃间质瘤手术的探索及临床应用进行简要总结概述,为胃间质瘤的手术切除提供更优的治疗方法。

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) is the most common mesenchymal tumors of the digestive system. At present, the main treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors is surgical resection, which is assisted by imatinib and other targeted drugs according to different pathological risk grades. In recent years, with the continuous development and maturity of laparoscopic technology, laparoscopic resection of gastric stromal tumors has gradually become an efficient and minimally invasive treatment, especially for large curved gastric stromal tumors. Although laparoscopic surgical resection of gastric stromal tumors has been widely used, it is still controversial whether laparoscopic surgery is suitable for special parts of the stomach GIST and giant GIST. In this study, combined with the author center′s exploration and clinical application of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of gastric GIST, we will briefly summarize and summarize in order to choose a better way to treat GIST.

图1 胃底外生型间质瘤影像学表现注:A.CT影像表现:胃底可见壁内性软组织密度肿物,边界清楚,强化均匀,突出浆膜;B.超声内镜表现:胃底偏后壁侧低回声占位,病变位于胃壁固有肌层,凸显腔外
图2 胃大弯侧内生型间质瘤影像学表现注:A.CT影像表现:胃体大弯侧可见腔内突出软组织密度肿物,边界清楚强化均匀,未突出浆膜;B.胃镜表现:胃体大弯侧局限性隆起
图3 胃体后壁内生型间质瘤影像学表现注:A.CT影像表现:胃体部胃后壁软组织密度肿物,边界清楚,强化均匀;B.超声内镜表现:胃体出胃壁固有肌层来源低回声
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