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中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03) : 183 -185. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6899.2023.03.012


朱启聪1, 金巍巍1, 牟一平1,(), 王元宇1, 鲁超1, 周育成1, 夏涛1   
  1. 1. 310014 杭州,浙江省人民医院普外科&胃肠胰外科;310014 杭州,浙江省胃肠病学重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-10 出版日期:2023-06-30
  • 通信作者: 牟一平
  • 基金资助:
    国家卫生健康委科学研究基金-浙江省卫生健康重大科技计划(WKJ-ZJ-2201); 浙江省科技厅"领雁"重大社会公益项目(2022C03099)

Robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction

Qicong Zhu1, Weiwei Jin1, Yiping Mou1,(), Yuanyu Wang1, Chao Lu1, Yucheng Zhou1, Tao Xia1   

  1. 1. Department of General Surgery, Division of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial People′s Hospital, Hangzhou 310014, China; Key Laboratory of Gastroenterology of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310014, China
  • Received:2023-04-10 Published:2023-06-30
  • Corresponding author: Yiping Mou

朱启聪, 金巍巍, 牟一平, 王元宇, 鲁超, 周育成, 夏涛. 机器人结直肠切除术经自然腔道取标本(NOSES)手工吻合消化道重建[J/OL]. 中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版), 2023, 16(03): 183-185.

Qicong Zhu, Weiwei Jin, Yiping Mou, Yuanyu Wang, Chao Lu, Yucheng Zhou, Tao Xia. Robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2023, 16(03): 183-185.


探讨机器人结直肠切除术经自然腔道取标本(natural orifice specimen extraction surgery,NOSES)手工吻合消化道重建的可行性和安全性。




共10例患者完成机器人结直肠NOSES术手工吻合消化道重建,男性4例,女性6例,年龄范围33~82岁。手术时间100~190 min,中位数120 min;术中出血量10~100 ml,中位数40 ml,无输血;术后住院时间8~18 d,中位数10 d;无中转开放手术,无二次手术,无围术期死亡。围术期并发症(Clavien-Dindo分级):Ⅲ级1例、Ⅱ级2例、Ⅰ级1例;发生1例吻合口漏,保守治疗成功。




To investigate the feasibility and safety of robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction.


The clinical date of 10 patients diagnosed with colorectal tumor who were treated with robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction from May 2020 to July 2022 at the Division of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital were retrospectively studied.


There were 4 males and 6 females, with the age range from 33 to 82 years, received robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction. The surgical specimen is removed through the rectum. The median operative time was 120(ranged 100 to 190)minutes. The intraoperative blood loss was 40(ranged 10 to 100)ml and there was no intraoperative blood transfusion. The median postoperative hospital stay was 10(ranged 8 to 18)days. There were no transit open surgery, re-operation and mortality. Perioperative complications (Clavien-Dindo grade): 1 case of grade Ⅲ, 2 cases of grade Ⅱ, 1 case of grade Ⅰ; 1 case developed anastomotic leakage, successful through conservative treatment.


Robotic colorectal resection with hand-sewn anastomosis of the digestive tract and nature orifice specimen extraction was effective and safe to treat colorectal tumor with the improvement of intra-abdominal anastomosis technology.

图1 机器人结直肠手术布孔及切除步骤注:A.达芬奇机器人手术Trocar孔布局;B.腹腔镜切割闭合器离断近端肠管;C.超声刀离断远端肠管;D.标本装袋后,将硅胶管经开放的远端肠管送至肛门口,经肛门取出标本;E.手工法直肠-结肠端侧连续后壁吻合,吻合口后壁;F.手工法直肠-结肠端侧连续前壁吻合,完整吻合口;G.(病例2)术后1年复查肠镜图,吻合口通畅;H.自制标本取出袋,由可以结扎的袋体和硅胶管连接组成。
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