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中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (01) : 53 -56. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6899.2019.01.010

所属专题: 文献


湛海伦1,(), 杨飞1, 李腾成1, 李文标1, 蔡佳荣1, 毛云华1, 罗云1, 周祥福1   
  1. 1. 510530 广州,中山大学第三附属医院岭南医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2018-11-12 出版日期:2019-02-28
  • 通信作者: 湛海伦
  • 基金资助:

Technique of dissecting renal pedicle marked by gonadal vessels in transperitoneal laparoscopy

Hailun Zhan1,(), Fei Yang1, Tengcheng Li1, Wenbiao Li1, Jiarong Cai1, Yunhua Mao1, Yun Luo1, Xiangfu Zhou1   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, Third Affiliated Hospital of SUN Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510530, China
  • Received:2018-11-12 Published:2019-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Hailun Zhan
  • About author:
    Corresponding author:Zhan Hailun, Email:

湛海伦, 杨飞, 李腾成, 李文标, 蔡佳荣, 毛云华, 罗云, 周祥福. 性腺血管为标记经腹腹腔镜程序化处理肾蒂的技巧[J/OL]. 中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版), 2019, 12(01): 53-56.

Hailun Zhan, Fei Yang, Tengcheng Li, Wenbiao Li, Jiarong Cai, Yunhua Mao, Yun Luo, Xiangfu Zhou. Technique of dissecting renal pedicle marked by gonadal vessels in transperitoneal laparoscopy[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 12(01): 53-56.










To explore the technique of dissecting renal pedicle marked by gonadal vessels in transperitoneal laparoscopy.


From May 2014 to Jul. 2018, 72 cases of laparoscopic nephrectomy were performed by the same surgeon in our department, including 42 cases of simple nephrectomy (28 cases of infectious nonfunctional kidney, including 10 cases of renal tuberculosis, 4 cases of simple nonfunctional kidney), 22 cases of radical nephrectomy and 8 cases of total nephroureterectomy. The renal pedicle was dissected by the method of gonadal vessel, and the renal pedicle was treated with Hem-o-lok.


Seventy-two cases were successful. The gonadal vessels were exposed in all cases and the gonadal vessels was regarded as the marker for dissecting renal pedicle. The operation time was(148±68)min and the volume of bleeding was about (80±57)ml. There was no conversion to open surgery and no peripheral organ injury.


The procedure of dissecting renal pedicle vessels marked by gonadal vessels can increase the safety of laparoscopic nephrectomy and shorten the operation time.

图1 左侧以性腺血管为标记显露左侧肾蒂
图2 左侧以性腺血管为标记显露左侧肾蒂
图3 右侧以性腺血管为标记显露右侧肾蒂
图4 右侧以性腺血管为标记显露右侧肾蒂
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